About You

Do you wonder why certain cat pictures look so much better and more interesting than other?
 Have you asked yourself why some cat photographs are so much more popular and getting so much more likes than your pictures?

Over the years I’ve learned a couple of things that work perfectly and I want to share my tips and tricks for getting great photos with all cat loving and photographing people.
 Let me show you what works!

I strongly believe that anyone can learn quickly how to make great cat pictures by applying some basic rules and techniques.

What to expect

IamCasper is a Cat Photography and Social Media Resource run by me, Kurt, to show you how easy it is to make amazing cat photographs and to teach you the methods I use and strategies I learned to use these beautiful pictures in a smart way to make your cat very popular on social media.

If you are ready to learn more about cats in general and cat photography in particular, then you are in the right place.

About me

I am a self-taught photographer, living in Belgium, who has started taking photographs since 2011 after my wife bought me my first camera for a birthday present. I have studied photography by reading and watching all the photography content I could find on the Internet.

In the beginning, I have tried all sorts of photography: portraits, landscapes, events and even sports. All these domains have their specific difficulties and techniques. I have struggled with the same problems as thousands of photographers before me, but all this struggling gave me the opportunity to learn so much. Every new problem I encountered was a new opportunity to learn. This is still the case today.

About Cat photography

Since October 2016, my focus has completely shifted towards cat photography.

Why? Because when Casper, our ragdoll kitten, joined our family, I wanted to document the life and adventures of such a beautiful kitten and I wanted to share his life to our friends and our family on social media.

I have received amazing positive reactions of thousands of viewers on Casper’s pictures. And I am not doing something special or something hard at all. I am simply applying a couple of rules I’ve learned, which gave me fantastic results over and over again.

There are millions of cat-lovers around the world, photographing their cat on a regular daily basis. I want to help you to make even more fabulous cat photographs of your cat than you already do today.

I want to share with you everything that I’ve learned about cats and cat photography that made Casper successful on Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms.

My aim is to help you succeed to do the same. I am sharing all the information I use via the articles on our blog, explaining how I have made most of Casper’s pictures and by showing you all the tips and techniques I know. No expensive gear is required.

I have also written several articles and a guide that will help you to make stunning cat pictures by applying the same simple rules that I apply every day.

About Casper

Casper is born, in a litter of six kittens, on the 29th of June 2016 in Soest, The Netherlands. He is a male seal mitted lynx ragdoll, living with his human mom and dad in Lokeren, Belgium. Casper loves chicken dinners, his feather toys and an outdoor adventure now and then.

You can follow him and his adventures here on this website, you can subscribe to his Youtube channel and follow him on Instagram and Facebook.

Here is a short introduction video I made of his kitten adventures. I hope you enjoy this movie and the rest of the site.

If you like what you see, I would love to read your thoughts in the comment section below. Cheers!

Thank You for being here

Thank you for being here. I really appreciate you and your interest in IamCasper. I’m here for you as a cat lover, a guide and as a friend.

I want to help you with your cat photography and your social media success. I also want to hear your cat stories. And I want to know how else I can help you.

A great way to get started on our site is on our START HERE page.

I want my IamCasper experience to be our experience, together. That’s how we all learn and grow together, including me.

I will respond to every email you will send me. And as mentioned before, I firmly believe that I’m not doing anything special or hard to learn. I am just a normal guy who enjoys taking cat pictures and use smart ways too make Casper successful on social media.

You have question ? Send me an email


Kurt & Casper

Ragdoll Casper seal point mitted lynx ragdoll with his human cat photographer and slave.

Let’s connect our paws

Psst, Can I ask your advice?

Leave us your thoughts

I’d love to hear where you are from, and how I can help you! Do You have any cats on social media? Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself so we can become followers.

I’d also to hear your suggestions, ideas and things you want me to write about. Thanks in advance.

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